

Our office hours are Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 13:30 in the morning and from 15:00 to 17:30 in the afternoon.

C. Mas les Vinyes, 18
Mas les Vinyes Industrial Park
08570 Torelló Barcelona (Spain)

T. +34 93 859 32 63

Contact Form




    Basic information about personal data
    Responsible entity: TECNOLOGIA DEL MOVIMENT CONTINU, S.L. - VAT: B-65853103 - Address: C.GORG NEGRE, 6 -08570-TORELLÓ- (BARCELONA) - Phone: 93.859.32.63 - Email:
    We process the data you provide to send you information, advertising, and promotions related to our company, products, and services via any medium (postal mail, email, or telephone) and to invite you to events organized by the company. The data provided will be retained unless you request cessation of the activity. Data will not be transferred to third parties unless legally required. You have the right to confirm whether TECNOLOGIA DEL MOVIMENT CONTINU, S.L. is processing your personal data. You also have the right to access your personal data, request rectification of inaccurate data, object to its processing, or request its deletion when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
    For more information, please visit this link +INFO