Legal Notice


This website,, is owned by TECNOLOGIA DEL MOVIMENT CONTINU, S.L., with its registered office in Torelló (Barcelona) -08570- c. Gorg Negre, nº 6, telephone nº 93.859.32.63, email, CIF B-65853103, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, volume 43364, folio 113, sheet 426539.


Access to this portal is free, with the understanding that anyone who accesses or uses it acquires the status of User and fully accepts these conditions without reservations.

The User is responsible for the proper use of the portal, its content, and services, as well as for the truthfulness and accuracy of the data they may need to provide to access it. Any activities that may be considered contrary to the current legislation are expressly prohibited. The owner of the portal reserves the right to deny full or partial access to the website or any of its contents or services and to take appropriate legal action against those who violate these terms of use. The portal owner is exempt from any liability arising from actions carried out by third parties, unforeseen events, or force majeure.

Without prior notice, the portal owner reserves the right to make any changes and revisions deemed appropriate to the website, altering, adding, or removing all or part of the content, services, or design of the portal.


The software, design, source code, and all content of the website, including texts, legal notices, photographs, logos, trademarks, and other distinctive signs appearing on it, belong to the portal owner or third parties who have authorized its use, and they are protected by intellectual and industrial property legislation.

The use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, total or partial transformation of the content of this portal, or any similar or analogous activity is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the portal owner. The license granted to the User for any content on this portal is limited to downloading and private use, provided the integrity of the content is maintained.

“Framing” or any other mechanism that modifies the original design, configuration, or content of the portal is expressly prohibited.

The portal owner respects the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. If you believe that this website may be infringing on those rights, please contact us using the details provided in the “Identification” section.


To facilitate access to websites that the portal owner considers of interest to the User but does not own, links to such websites may be provided. However, the portal owner is not responsible for the content, functionality, or any damages that may arise from accessing or using such linked websites. The User assumes full responsibility for any consequences, including damages, resulting from such access.

Links from other websites to the portal owner’s website are prohibited without prior authorization. In any case, the portal owner declines any responsibility for damages that may arise for the User due to access and use of the portal via links provided by third parties.


Spanish law shall apply in the event of any disputes arising from access to and use of this website. Without prejudice to mandatory legal provisions applicable in specific cases, and waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, the parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Vic.

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